IP Executive Covid-19 UPDATE - We are now back in the Rotherham office as of Monday 15th June
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Do you ever have those days at work where everything goes wrong and you just don’t want to be there? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone in feeling that way!

I love my job, but like everyone I have those days where everything goes wrong and I feel like I am drowning. You may even think that you have no reason to feel this way, that things haven’t gone wrong, but we are only human, we are allowed to have bad days!

I know that if I’ve had a bad day I tend to go home feeling agitated and take it out on housemates or family members, which I know they don’t appreciate. If you feel the same, then there are a wide variety of things to help you feel more relaxed and alleviate your stress symptoms.

I’ve done some reading myself and found that there are a common few things you can do to recover from your bad days at work. Take a look at these:

  • Go for a walk: You’d be surprised at how a bit of fresh air can clear your mind. As soon as you get home, drop your bags and head out for a walk. The time outside will encourage you to think about the day you’ve had and, most importantly help you let it go. It will result in you feeling refreshed rather than stressed when you get back home!
  • Exercise: After a bad day you may think that the last thing you want to do is put yourself through an exercise session, but exercise may be the best thing for you! Working out releases endorphins that, in turn will make you feel happier. Also, when it’s bed time, the energy you have expelled will make you feel ready to relax and get a good night’s sleep. This means that the next day you will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
  • Get it off your chest: Talking is sometimes the best medicine and for some people, taking the time to vent to a friend or family member can make you feel so much better. Also, by talking about it, you may even realise that what was causing you the stress wasn’t such a big deal after all.
  • Watch some funny videos: We all need a bit of laughter in our lives, it produces endorphins that make you feel happier. Spending 10 minutes watching a funny video may make you completely forget what was causing you the stress in the first place!
  • Listen to some music: Everyone has their favourite album they like to stick on when they feel rubbish, and if you do, you should definitely keep doing that. Having a sing song and dance around also gets those endorphins going that will put you in a much better mood.

I completely understand that everyone is different and that these things may not work for you. If you have something that makes you feel better (it could be: getting in a blanket and watching your favourite film), do that! However, if you are feeling stuck with what will help you or fancy doing something different, try out these tips, they could really help you out!

What helps you recover from a bad day at work? I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment below!

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