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The one time we never want to appear rude, is during a job interview. It may not be intentional but some of the things you say could be taken in different ways by different people. So, make sure you think before you speak and choose your words carefully.  Business Insider UK’s recent article has a few examples of things that could come across as rude, or give the interviewer a negative opinion of you:

Swearing is a definite no in an interview. You will most definitely come across as rude and unprofessional. You may be getting along with the interviewer well and you are feeling comfortable around them, but remember, this is still an interview and you need to be careful with what you say.

Going for an interview and asking the interviewer what their company does, will just show that you are completely underprepared for this interview. The first thing that you should do when applying for the position is to check out the company. If you are lucky enough to be offered an interview, you should extend this search further and find out how the company is progressing, the company values and all the more in depth information that will prove to the interviewer that you are really serious about this role.

Taking a phone call in the middle of an interview again shows your lack of seriousness for the interview. Make sure your phone is off or on silent, and don’t answer any phone calls unless you think it’s an emergency. Also, make sure that you don’t have any other plans booked around your interview. You don’t know how long the interview is going to last, and you don’t want to have to cut the interviewer off because you have to be somewhere else and you’ve made other plans. It may come across as rude and could potentially hinder your chance at securing the job.

It’s best to avoid asking the interviewer any personal questions or putting them on the spot, as this is just going to make you appear invasive and rude. Questions relating to how they got the job, are a definite ‘no go’, as this may be taken as you being condescending.

Even simple things, such as waiting to be asked if you want a drink. Asking before you have been offered will come across as demanding and impatient.

So you really should be careful with what you say, and always come across as polite and positive throughout the interview.

To read Business Insider UK’s full list of things that make you sound rude in an interview, please visit http://uk.businessinsider.com/what-makes-you-sound-rude-in-a-job-interview

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