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Job interviews can be an incredibly nerve-wracking experience. They can make even the best of us crack under pressure. Maybe you haven’t had an interview in a long time, or maybe it’s your first time! Everyone will have their reasons for being nervous. So, what are some things that we can do to take control of our nerves, and impress the interviewers?

The most important thing you can do before an interview is to prepare. There are so many aspects of the interview that you can prepare for to help you feel confident and ready.

Firstly, you should prepare answers to some common interview questions. Research questions that are likely to come up (e.g. what is your biggest weakness? Tell me a bit about yourself?) and prepare your answers for them. It’s impossible to prepare an answer to all interview questions, as there are far too many, and numerous different ways in which an interviewer can ask them. Watch out for our new blog series, where we help you answer the toughest interview questions!

Prepare for questions that will arise throughout the course of the interview in relation to your CV. Make sure that you know everything that is on your CV, as you don’t want to get caught out on a question that you should probably know the answer to!

Prepare for all other aspects regarding your interview. This means: prepare what you are wearing the night before so that you aren’t rushing on the day and making yourself more nervous, prepare your travel arrangements and how and when you are going to get there, as you definitely don’t want to be late!

Nerves can cause us to do a multitude of things we wouldn’t normally do. From sweaty hands, to rapid speech, our body language gives away a lot more than we would like it to, and this is something you probably don’t want in an interview.

Remember to just relax before your interview. I know it’s easier said than done, but you’ve got to remember that the interviewers have been in your position before, and they will understand that you are going to be nervous.

Take a deep breath, relax, and do your best! Good Luck!

What are your top tips for calming interview nerves?

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