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How to Stay Motivated at Work in the New Year!

How to Stay Motivated at Work in the New Year!

We are just over a week into 2019 and let’s face it, even the most motivated of us can begin to feel complacent in our jobs. You may be thinking about the time you’ve had off and wishing you had more, but it’s time to get motivated and achieve your goals for the year. Take a look at these tips that will encourage you to stick at it this year…

Look back at your successes

It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come, especially when you have a lack of motivation. When you look back at what you’ve achieved it will motivate you to do even better in the future. Note down your successes and feel proud of yourself!

Be optimistic

It may sound cliché but “looking on the bright side” does have its benefits, and science has proven it. Being optimistic has been linked to better heart health, a longer lifespan, and is correlated with academic and career success – they sound like great benefits to me!

Make to-do lists

To-do lists are great to deal with your work load, they focus your mind and make you more reliable. Note down all the things you need to be getting on with and prioritise each of them. When you know how much time you have to complete each of your tasks it’ll make you feel focused and ready to take on your work!

Don’t focus on things you can’t control

As much as we would like to, we can’t control everything and that is just life. Using up your energy to focus on the uncontrollable things at work won’t help spark your motivation. According to the Huffington Post, it’s important that we omit all of the uncontrollable aspects from our mindsets. If you refuse to let uncontrollable things worry you, a weight will be lifted off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on the features you can control.

Reward yourself

Sometimes you forget how hard you work, and I’m sure you won’t reward yourself as often as you should. In your head set yourself little incentives to get your work done, think “after I’ve completed this task, I’ll reward myself to a nice cup of tea and biscuit”. Doing this will encourage you to work through your to-do lists because you know you’ll get something you want in the end!

Spend time with your colleagues

You may think “I spend so many hours with my colleagues, why should I spend more time with them?” That being said, spending time with your colleagues both in and out of work can be great in helping you find added inspiration to do better at your job. Additionally, it can help you come up with new ideas, troubleshoot any issues you may be having, and set new goals for yourself and/or the team.


Taking a few of these tips into consideration could seriously help you refocus your mind at work. We know that all of us suffer from a lack of motivation from time to time, but remember to keep going and stick at it!

Do you have any other tips to help people stay motivated at work? I’d love to hear about them, leave a comment below.

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